Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm back!

Hi, everyone...
Kambing is coming back to it's blog...
very sorry because I didn't update my blog frequently...
Let's continue to my story...

7 May

it's the last day of minggu BSM...
that day had 'Majlis Perasmian Penutupan'...
I'm the MC with Emily...
my comment on that majlis..
Got abit kalang-kabut because teacher didn't cooperate with us..
but we still finished it although there is many problem...
And i feel very 'yeng' on that day because I'm black kilat kilat shoes...

8 May

Happy World Red Cross Day to all!!
morning we went to HQ to attend the 'mini parade'...
Many peoples pengsan/pitam...
Actually me also a bit tak boleh tahan the hot sun...
the program ended at 10a.m. ++
then we went our 'old place'--Mc Donald makan...
we still got a lot of time before
we went that night party...
then we go to my house to have a rest & bath...
after that we went back to HQ..
Unfortunately, raining cat's and dog's...
but we still went to HQ...
we all very wet!!
the party started...
Samad-ians performing very well on that party(social&dance)...
because that night like only HQ bteam & samad were fighting social...
and our table was the noisiest...
i enjoyed..hehe...

then Layting & me went back by
'MengSiong' car(samad bekas & VAD 16)...
thank you..^^

the dancers

christine & me

Lay Ting & me

kit hoon & me share to buy the beg from chingryu
(Soon li might kill me after this)...XD

KaR WenG a.k.a Kambing